Викторина для 4 класса “Знатоки английского языка”

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Викторина для 4 класса “Знатоки английского языка”

Учитель: Власова О.В.
Цели: закрепить лексический материал по темам “Одежда”, “Питание”, грамматический материал, развивать навыки говорения, чтения, память, внимание, мышление, интерес к изучению английского языка.
Оборудование: раздаточный материал, таблицы.

1. Greeting.
2. The main part.
T: We’ve got two teams in our competition. Our first station is called “Poems”. Who can read a poem without mistakes? Who can read a poem fast?? You can get 11 points.

T: The second station is “ Crosswords”. Guess them. You can get 15 points.

Across 1. Pumpkin 4.Cucumber 5. Tomato 7. Corn 8. Potato 
Down 2. Mushroom 3. Cabbage 4. Carrot 6. Onions

Across 1. Jacket 3. Shoes 4. Skirts 7. Jeans 9. Coat 10. Shirt
Down 1. Jeans 2. Dress 5. Hat 6. Sweater 8. Socks
T: Тhe third station is “ Riddles”. If your team guesses and says the right answer, you will take one point. You can get 6 points.

T: The next task is our lexical station. Be attentive! Match the words with the pictures. You can get 16 points.

T: Write down all the words you associate with the word SCHOOL. 

T: The next station “ Reading” is for the captains of your teams. You can get 5 points.

T: The last contest is “ Our Grammar station”. Put the verbs into the correct tense form. Be attentive! You can get 5 points.

T: Use the pronounce, the verb to be in the sentences correctly. Be attentive! You can get 6 points.

3. Summing-up.
T: What account have we got? My congratulations. I think that friendship has won. Do you agree with me?

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